You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It

You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It Research on today’s game lovers reveals that playing video games has become one way to cope with stress. The research was conducted by interviewing 1,000 …

You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It

Research on today’s game lovers reveals that playing video games has become one way to cope with stress. The research was conducted by interviewing 1,000 gamers about their views on gaming. As a result, researchers found that 55 percent of research participants played video games because it helped them to relieve stress.

Meanwhile, 47 percent admitted that when they win a game, it has a positive impact on their lives in the real world. This allows them to see other aspects of their lives more positively. And, half of the study participants said they saw in-game value as an escape method to help them cope with the pressures of everyday work.

You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It
You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It

“This survey is very open in showing the positive mental benefits of getting together in a gaming session,” said Luke Hales, general manager of tv channel Dave which owns the game competition show. This research conducted by Dave’s television channel surveyed 1000 game lovers aged 18 to 30. The results showed that gaming was also a way of socially connected, with three out of five people surveyed playing specifically to join an established friend or ‘clan’ to play with.

This triggers gamers to have more friends, where the average gamer gets three friends through gaming, either through playing together or online. Sixty percent of those surveyed considered gaming to be a key component in their social lives. And, nearly a quarter believe they already have more friends through their interest in gaming than through their other areas of life. This is why gaming has become their core social outlet. The research also found that gaming has other benefits such as improved mood, reflex sensitivity and social skills.

A third of gamers play to experience the achievements or achievements gained from the game. And, 42 percent said they feel happiest when playing video games well. They even feel greater satisfaction when winning games than comparable achievements in real life.

You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It
You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It

Meanwhile, another 27 per cent believe that playing video games has helped them process or deal with mental health issues or concerns. In addition, 37 percent of the study participants agreed that playing online games with others had helped boost their confidence levels. A third of participants thought that playing games had helped hone their problem-solving skills, and 28 percent believed that their hobby had had a positive impact on their reflexes and coordination system.

In order to feel more animating and have a good performance while playing, one in four gamers make avatars of game characters played as closely as possible to themselves.

Twenty percent of game lovers also think that Action &Adventure games are the easiest game genre to play. The next easiest game falls on Puzzle games and Role-Playing games. Games in the Action &Adventure category are also considered the best to help relieve stress.

The next game falls on shooting games and puzzles. “For those looking for support, gaming as a hobby can offer a boost of confidence in achievements that may be lacking in other aspects of their lives,” Hales said. Hales also said that foam games are an alternative to interacting with people who have similar interests, socialize and make friends. Unfortunately, the mass media has been preaching a lot about the negative side of this game.

You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It
You are Stressed, You Can Play Games To Relieve It

Well for those of you who want to play games that are not boring. We have good referrals to fill your time and help you relieve stress whether it’s at work or school.  One of the websites that has a wide variety of games is You can play tap supermaket, super tetris, fight virus, flight sim and many more interesting games. One of our favorite games is open restaurant, because we have a business soul therefore makes us enjoy the game more in our spare time. Hopefully this information is useful, and do not forget to share it to other friends.