Increase Website Traffic Free

Increase Website Traffic Free Increase Website Traffic Free Most bloggers and website owners have the same goals for their blogs and websites that are to increase their website traffic. Nowadays, the Internet is really full …

Increase Website Traffic Free
Increase Website Traffic Free

Increase Website Traffic Free

Most bloggers and website owners have the same goals for their blogs and websites that are to increase their website traffic. Nowadays, the Internet is really full of a wide variety of content. Bloggers and website owners should make sure that they can stand out among other websites and blogs so that they can get steady traffic on their website.

What is Traffic?

Website Traffic can be defined as the number of people visiting a website, the pages they view, and the duration when a visitor sees or reads those pages. When someone visits your website, that visit as well as all the links they click and follow are recorded by your domain. Later these numbers can give you an idea of how popular your website is.

Why is traffic important?

If your website is not visited by many people, your website is threatened to be immersed among other websites on the internet. Every website needs traffic. No matter how good your website is, if it’s a little visitor, your website and business may not be able to survive. Basically, your website will only last if there is stable traffic flow.

There are three reasons why you should consider the interests of website traffic, especially in e-commerce:

Traffic from users interested in the content of your website or products will be more likely to spend more time on your website and inform the website to the crowd.

If people spend more time on your website, there’s a chance they’ll sign up for your website newsletter or receive promo content that can make them become consumers for a long period of time.

For businesses, you need to get website traffic to get profits and ensure that your business runs smoothly.

How to increase your Website Traffic

Here are the things to be aware of to increase your website traffic.


Headlines or article titles are important elements in a content. Headlines is the first thing that draws people’s attention to reading your website’s content, especially if you’re dividing your content into S-Opesky media. Make sure the headlines used attract attention and clearly describe the content of the contents.

Long-Tail Keywords

One way to bring traffic to your website is to make sure you focus on choosing a long-tail keywords. Make sure the keywords used are relevant and relate to the topic of each of your posts.

Quality content

As mentioned earlier, proper and quality content is important in increasing website traffic. It’s worth noting that good content is content that is informative and needs to be done in-depth research. This is to ensure that the content is detailed, interesting, and unique. You can also use multimedia like images, videos, and infographics to create compelling content. Longer articles are typically assessed more informative. There are a few things to keep in mind in creating content:

Avoid ‘ copy-pasting ‘ of other people’s articles

Use synonyms so you don’t use the same word repeatedly

Avoid discussion of matters unrelated to the core of the article

Create professional articles

Quality content can also help with linking root domains.

As previously mentioned, linking root domains is the number of unique backlinks that your website receives. It would be better if you receive backlinks from 100 different websites compared to getting 200 backlinks from one website to the same. If your content is considered quality by many people, it is guaranteed you will get a lot of backlinks from various websites. You can also create a quality backlink for that.

If you want to create more engaging content, you can add multimedia to your posts like images, infographics, and videos. Whatever business industry you have, there must be a lot to be discussed. You can also create webinars on topics you want to discuss and present them.

If you feel less comfortable in front of the camera, you can also try making podcasts. Podcast is one of the medium that is currently starting to get a lot of attention. The Podcast itself is the original audio recording or that is available on the Internet. You only need to subscribe without paying any fees. One of the advantages of podcasts is that it can be heard anytime and anywhere.

To add more value to your podcast, you can invite experts and influencers in your industry. That way people will be interested in listening to the podcast and your guests can also promote your podcast on their social media. This can help your website to be known more broadly.

On Page SEO

Don’t forget to apply the techniques On Page SEO. Have you used the right keywords? Have you used alt text for the images included in your post? Have you entered an external and internal link? What about meta descriptions? On Page SEO does not take much time to apply and is still one of the most important things to increase your website traffic.

Community Blogging

You can also join a community of bloggers like ProBlogger or Copyblogger. This is one way to get in touch with other bloggers and promote each other’s blogs. Interacting with other bloggers and influencers is also very important to increase your website traffic. Maintaining good relations with bloggers and other website owners in the same field is also important. People who relate well to you will but are more likely to link their readers and followers to your website. You can also contribute to websites or blogs of each other. They will also be more likely to share your content on their website or social media. In addition to bloggers and other website owners, it’s also important to build relationships with influencers. You can start by dividing their content. You can try to interact with them through the content or social media accounts you own. Interacting with them can help you as they will link their readers and followers to your website. It will greatly help your website to receive backlinks from various websites authoritative. You can also ask for help from bloggers and other influencers to advise on published content.


You can try dividing your articles into forums like Reddit or StumbleUpon. One of the advantages of the forum is that you can find the right niche and reader for your website content.

Internal Linking

Internal linking is a link from a single page website to another page on the same website. Please note that for internal linking, only use the post link of your website whose contents are still related to the article you are about to upload. Internal linking helps Google to explore the pages of your website. Internal linking also allows website visitors to find information related to what they read. It can increase the duration of users while browsing your website. Internal linking itself is one of the most important SEO techniques on-page because they will help search engine crawlers to search for content and explore your website. Inter linking also helps to improve the page authority and allow users to browse the website more easily.


Guest-Blogging is one way to increase website traffic. The meaning of guest-blogging is writing content for websites or blogs that are well known. This can help to increase your blog or website traffic and build your brand. However you should be careful and ensure that your guest-blogging content is quality. In creating guest-blogging content, make sure that the content is creative and appropriate to that niche blog. Avoid linking stuffing or inserting many links at once into your article to add website traffic as you may incur penalties.

In addition to guest-blogging, you can also write to other media such as newspapers or magazines that relate to the topic of your website or blog. Don’t forget to mention your website and blog because writing for a major media opens up a chance to reach more readers.

Regularly publish content

Many people often ask how often should I publish the content on the blog? The answer is that you have to publish new content regularly. Regularly publishing content is one step to guarantee that your website is always up-to-date. Writing regularly is not an easy thing that many bloggers and website owners are inconsistent in publishing new content. This leads to fluctuations in their domain authority. Website Traffic will increase if you regularly publish content. Routine writing and publishing content also helps improve your website’s page rank. You’ll also have a lot of content for interlinking. Basically, the more routine you write and publish new content, your website will receive more website traffic.

Use social Media

Not enough just to create quality content, you need to actively socialize the content to get people to read it. If you share your content on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, you can get a new audience for your website. Especially if your content is quality, the content can get more share and likely to be viral. The most excellent content should be shared and promoted. Keep in mind not to do spamming on social media. If possible, arrange a schedule to share your posts to social media sites. You should also set up a social media strategy. Use the right design for branding and marketing. In essence, social media plays an important role in increasing website traffic.

Link Building

Link Building is an activity where you try to increase the number of backlinks to your website. If your website receives backlinks from other websites, search engines will see your website as a trusted website in its field. That way, search engines will put your website at a higher position in the search results page. If your website is on the first page of search results, of course people will be more interested in visiting your website and reading the content on the website.

Consistency and patience

Maintaining the consistency of your website is an important factor. If your consistency is maintained then the domain authority of your website will also increase. You also have to be patient because SEO will not succeed just overnight. It takes time before you can finally see the results.

Digital Marketing

In addition to the free means above, you also need to occasionally use digital marketing techniques to lift traffic on your website. This is a bit pricey however, the result will be useful if you put the correct call-to-action at the end of the content you’re promoting. Our other articles will help you learn more about how to use digital marketing correctly.

That’s the steps you can take to increase your website traffic. But one thing you should remember is that all the SEO techniques and techniques above will only really yield results if the content you have is quality. With quality content, you will be able to increase website traffic, domain authority, organic search results, and also website rankings.

Create: Alber Andesko